Set against the backdrop of 1950s New York, "Motherless Brooklyn" follows Lionel Essrog (Norton), a lonely private detective afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome, as he ventures to solve his friend's murder. Armed only with a few clues and the powerful engine of his obsessive mind, Lionel unravels closely-guarded secrets that hold the fate of the whole city in the balance.
IMDb Ratings: 7.2
Director: Edward Norton
Stars: Edward Norton, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Alec Baldwin
Genres: Crime | Drama
Language: English
Subtitles: Hindi (Hardcore)
Motherless Brooklyn is a 2019 Crime/drama film .
Motherless Brooklyn is a American neo-noir crime film written, produced, and directed by Edward Norton, based on the 1999 novel of the same name by Jonathan Lethem. Set in 1957 New York City, the film follows a private investigator with Tourette syndrome, who must solve the murder of his mentor.
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