Status removed:
Trusted Uploader(Demoted to User) Let us know when you come back and wish to upload again :)
Thank you
2023-01-20 18:11:08
Warning removedWarning removed:
Indexing torrents and ignoring staff messages is not acceptable behavior
2020-11-27 13:38:38
User warnedIndexing torrents and ignoring staff messages is not acceptable behavior
2020-11-26 13:08:24
Status added:
Site Junkie Sure is thank you for sharing with us at TG :)
2020-11-19 07:31:55
Status added:
Trusted Uploader(Promoted from Verified Uploader) Don't screw up: Trusted Uploader
2019-10-03 13:37:42
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from User) Am restoring your status .If you obey what we have told you to do you could become a trusted uploader within a month.With that you could ask permission for links to be ok'd.Good luck !
This is your last chance.
2019-09-08 16:28:15
Status removed:
Verified Uploader(Demoted to User) you just won't listen.
2019-09-06 18:12:24
Warning removedThe following warning has expired and is automatically removed:
You continue to ignore instructions ,next will be demoted to user.It's your call.
2019-09-06 16:00:01
User warnedYou continue to ignore instructions ,next will be demoted to user.It's your call.
2019-08-30 15:00:07
Warning removedThe following warning has expired and is automatically removed:
If you continue to put links to your website in your torrents after repeated
PMs from teams member here you will lose your uploading rights.
2019-05-30 02:00:01
User warnedIf you continue to put links to your website in your torrents after repeated
PMs from teams member here you will lose your uploading rights.
2019-05-23 01:52:28
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from User) Back up to verified. Remember our conversation.
2019-05-16 08:17:25
Status removed:
Verified Uploader(Demoted to User) Reply to my message and do not ignore staff members.
2019-05-15 17:26:50
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from Trial Uploader) Verified Uploader
2019-05-07 11:53:46
Status added:
Trial Uploader(Promoted from User) Welcome to the galaxy.
2019-04-25 15:27:41
New user
Account created successfully!
2019-04-25 08:41:07