Acclaimed biographical documentary series broadcast continuously on ABC TV since 1996. Australian Story is known for its narratorless story telling style where the subject tells their own story in their own words. The program has featured both famous and previously unknown Australians from all walks of life and won numerous awards including Logies, Walklies, Golden Tripods and Ellies.
SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: Australian Story is a weekly biography program, produced and broadcast on ABC Television. Australian Story has covered many people from diverse backgrounds and reputations. Examples include Ivan Milat, Dick Smith, Wayne Bennett and Hazem El Masri.
The stories are 'narrated' by the profile subjects and other individuals such as friends and family members. The program aims to present a varied and contrasting picture of contemporary Australia and Australians, both known and unknown.
EPISODE INFO Title: A Bitter Pill Airdate: 2019-03-11 Episode plot: It’s widely accepted nowadays that pregnant women shouldn’t take any medication unless it’s absolutely necessary.
But in the early 1960s that wasn’t the case.
Reassured by their doctors, thousands of women around the world took the drug thalidomide as a treatment for morning sickness, only to be faced with babies born with catastrophic disabilities.
Born in March 1963, Lisa McManus is one of Australia’s youngest survivors. She’s leading a group who have taken their fight to Canberra’s Parliament House, in a last ditch battle for recognition, compensation and an apology.
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