User details for xanderxander

Username xanderxander:_male:
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Joined 2023-07-02 10:03:37
Last Visit 2025-02-21 08:13:31
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    18
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Yep, it's a new scan from the original 35mm. It's not perfect at all but I better than previous release and I'm not sure we will have a better scan in the future.
2024-12-31 10:46:32
Why it's in 60fps ? The movie was shot in 24fps.
2024-12-20 08:54:25
What do you think Google is ?
2024-12-02 16:55:57
No HDR for this show.
2024-11-10 12:27:02
I have a LG C1 and I have no problem with the HDR, the tone mapping or anything else, And I watch it vi the AppleTV4K and Infuse.
2024-09-13 08:01:18
Why the Atmos is in 640 kb/s on the MKV and 960 kb/s on the MP4 ?
2024-08-24 21:34:24
It's a Japanese movie, what language did you expect ?
2024-05-02 09:50:35
Why the 1.04 Go has DD5.1 and this one just 2.0 ?
2024-04-25 09:48:40
It's a ITV channel TV Show, not a Netflix one... I will stay polite but honestly, you don't deserve it...
2024-04-22 19:06:20
The Killer was already a remake of 2004 Michel Mann Collateral.
2024-02-05 08:59:11
I don't understand the meaning of this version, the movie exists in native UHD.
2023-12-26 16:30:18
No plans for the 4K version ?
2023-09-18 17:34:50
Thanks a lot for the 4K DV Atmos version :_love
2023-08-29 19:45:35
Why the 4K versions are never uploaded for Chinese / Korean movies ?!
2023-08-15 18:48:16
It's a Chinese tv show, what did you expect...
2023-08-12 20:36:02
JJ Abrams did more damage to Star Trek in just 2 movies than Strange New Worlds could ever do...
2023-08-10 14:43:46
Thanks a lot for the HDR version...
2023-07-15 19:57:39

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2024-05-22 08:15:45
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COMMENT: Sadly not!
2024-05-22 08:10:56
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: For god sake, those crappy AI bullshit enhanced and 60fps need a proper category. The only person who can love that useless thing are cryptobro'
2024-02-03 17:48:40
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2023-07-02 10:03:56

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