Hey just wanted to throw out a thanks to the uploader for these, I so look forward to enjoying the show every weekend and you provide awesome quality for that.. Thanks again
it's like all the recent tv shows are all polluted with Trans / Gay content now.... If people want want to be way thats fine but why ruin so many things in the process
You do know that its streamed on Paramount + and they label it as criminal minds S16E01 and S16E02 perhaps time is needed to look into something before spending every comment incorrectly :)
To all that hate the subs why leave notes on that fact i mean they are good enough for those who want to enjoy a high quality copy and are not bothered by them. Most people have large enough screens to not even notice them Thanks for the FREE gre...
You know i find it funny how people take the time to pick apart a early theater copy of a movie from over seas and wonder why the quality is garbage? I mean not like there is the word webrip or screener attached come on :) lol
Just a thought here but if comments are making someone's choice on whether to download or not i mean come on the file sizes are so small simply download it and post your opinion of the copy. We all know it's a cam its not going to be all t...
You know the part i do not understand is that some people seem to think that a cam copy is going to be like a dvd store bought release yet thre are so many comments of bad it is yada yada well perhaps these people should give their efforts at doing b...
2021-11-21 19:57:57
This one truly shows some pretty good interest to watch