User details for peterparker

Username peterparker
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Joined 2019-03-30 10:11:43
Last Visit 2025-02-22 10:55:04
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Comments Posted    15
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yet another good show that had the plug pulled on it. So sad, I wanted another season:_:-(:_:-(:_:-(:_:-(
2025-01-07 00:06:58
Came out in 2020 & YTS even has it listed as such on their site:_:|
2024-12-27 07:40:42
NOT a webrip it's yet another mislabeled cam
2024-12-26 23:30:03
The info and the poster image are entirely wrong. Those are for "Good Girls' Guide to Kinky Sex" whereas whats been shared is for season 3 episode 6 of "Good Girls"
2024-11-06 01:15:41
The info and the poster image are entirely wrong. Those are for "Good Girls' Guide to Kinky Sex" whereas whats been shared is for season 3 episode 7 of "Good Girls"
2024-11-06 01:15:12
Without Trent Crimm what's the point:_:P
2024-10-22 03:09:10
Wrong listing for the imdb link
2024-05-04 05:00:28
This is actually season 17 not 19 unfortunately
2023-12-22 11:36:21
If your wanting to name them properly for Plex then it's Looney Tunes (1929) or if you're looking to find them on theTVDB then you search for Looney Tunes & it's the 3rd entry down the list of results :_:)
2023-11-28 21:24:53
It's not actually season 14. It's a special. thetvdb has it as S00E162. I'm guessing it'll be part of getting the show from Jodie Whittakers Doctor to Ncuti Gatwas Doctor. In short it'll be part of David Tennants short lived ...
2023-11-25 23:14:13
Wrong imdb link. Should be
2023-11-14 01:08:04
I have to say, seeing the "Long Live RARBG" at the bottom of some releases makes me happy whilst also being so sad for RARBG. It's heartwarming to see so much love & respect for them
2023-06-09 12:15:04
If this is complete then where's the last 2 episode from the first season
2022-12-28 23:43:55
Better off naming them as follows: Seven Mortal Sins (2017) S0XEXX (obviously swapping the X's for the season number of for the specials use 00). This helpws plex when it comes to shows that have been re-released a second separate time. Eg; The ...
2022-12-22 01:18:37
He stepped down & was then written out. Same thing, but different order
2021-12-10 08:11:16

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<img border="0" class="dim txlight" src="/common/images/smilies/new_warn.png" alt=":_warn" title=":_warn" />ed: Warning removed
The following warning has expired and is automatically removed:
its not a cam its HD. control your emotions next time and post after double checking everything so you don't look like a dumb after.
2025-01-03 14:00:01
Automated point penalty
( -4 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: I think it's about time you got over it.
COMMENT: Don't call it a cam, they get their knickers all in a twist. I got a warning for exactly that.
Like it even matters if it's a cam or a hd, it's still a substandard bullshit copy with moronic ads throughout ruining it entirely
2024-12-30 08:05:30
<img border="0" class="dim txlight" src="/common/images/smilies/new_warn.png" alt=":_warn" title=":_warn" />ed: User warned
its not a cam its HD. control your emotions next time and post after double checking everything so you don't look like a dumb after.
2024-12-27 13:14:50
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2019-03-30 10:12:14

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