User details for mememaid

Username mememaid
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Joined 2023-12-10 01:29:11
Last Visit 2023-12-10 20:50:50
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well, the movies are uploaded here for "political" and "ugly" reasons. so, it's only fitting to provide appropriate comments.
2023-12-10 02:02:14
these loads of whiny fictional wrongly narrated pro-Palestine movies are supposed to do what? buy sympathy for people who are literally living by the laws formulated 14 centuries ago and issued out of a cave (like, literally)? free Palestine? Yea...
2023-12-10 01:51:10

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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: I've been using/enjoying this website for years and never, not once, felt the need to comment while, as is the case w/ any normal person, there are many contents I hate/ never use. However, this, uploading a shit load of pro-Palestinian movies now, requires me to warn you how you're being brainwashed into a disaster.
2023-12-10 20:56:48
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these loads of whiny fictional wrongly narrated pro-Palestine movies are supposed to do what? buy sympathy for people who are literally living by the laws formulated 14 centuries ago and issued out of a cave (like, literally)?

free Palestine? Yeah, sure. but from whom? The Israeli who (according to these series of uploaded crap) invaded Palestine when? 100 years ago? or the Muslims who took over the Middle East with swords and spilled millions of ppl's blood 14 centuries ago?

the legal age of marriage in Muslim countries for girls is between 13 and 9!
Save Palestinian children? Yes, please, but from whose hands? the Israeli bombs or from their own parents and neighbors and Mullahs who rape and impregnate them and have been doing so for the past 1 thousand and 4 hundred years?

They sold their lands. period. Stop the madness. Muslims will be the end of you and human civilization as you know it. 99% of the content uploaded on this website is forbidden in Islam and more than 50% of it comes with a death sentence. Wake up!
2023-12-10 03:12:40
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( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: these loads of whiny fictional wrongly narrated pro-Palestine movies are supposed to do what? buy sympathy for people who are literally living by the laws formulated 14 centuries ago and issued out of a cave (like, literally)?

free Palestine? Yeah, sure. but from whom? The Israeli who (according to these series of uploaded crap) invaded Palestine when? 100 years ago? or the Muslims who took over the Middle East with swords and spilled millions of ppl's blood 14 centuries ago?

the legal age of marriage in Muslim countries for girls is between 13 and 9!
Save Palestinian children? Yes, please, but from whose hands? the Israeli bombs or from their own parents and neighbors and Mullahs who rape and impregnate them and have been doing so for the past 1 thousand and 4 hundred years?

They sold their lands. period. Stop the madness. Muslims will be the end of you and human civilization as you know it. 99% of the content uploaded on this website is forbidden in Islam and more than 50% of it comes with a death sentence. Wake up!
2023-12-10 01:56:23
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2023-12-10 01:30:43

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