I've noticed that many movie that includes family, their childern are so 'mentally' weak, so 'helpless', scared to even use a gun when their lives are in danger. It must be the 'woke' generation. The 'I'm ...
I wish they had given a back story. How did she get these powers? Where was she before she was locked up? This movie deserves a part 2 or a pre-sequel.
I hate these LGBTQ+ shove it down your throat movie but this was not bad to watch. Kevin Beacon was so sinister. That 'culty' smile. Ha.Ha. There are always extremes on both sides.
The movie was interesting. Not your typical story line which kept me watching till the end. That being said, what is with theses over the top facial expressions? Is it just me? At 1:22:30 why the over the top acting. It doesn't look natural for ...