Status removed:
Trusted Uploader(Demoted to User) Last torrent 24/06/20 If you want to upload again contact us
2020-11-17 15:58:41
Status added:
Trusted Uploader(Promoted from Verified Uploader) Don't screw up: Trusted Uploader
2019-10-03 09:29:42
Warning removedThe following warning has expired and is automatically removed:
Still adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-09-07 15:00:02
User warnedStill adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-08-31 14:34:39
Temporary userban removed.Ban removed:
Still adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-08-31 14:34:14
Temporary userban added!Issued banperiod - 7 days.
Still adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-08-31 14:33:54
Temporary userban removed.Ban removed:
Still adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-08-31 14:33:30
Temporary userban added!Issued banperiod - 7 days.
Still adding screenshots containing false information, after being warned against it.
2019-08-31 14:33:00
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from User) Giving it another go: Verified Uploader
2019-08-01 11:36:45
Status removed:
Verified Uploader(Demoted to User) Again failing to respond to Mod PMs and instructions, you leave me no choice, your upload rights are removed
2019-07-07 22:31:21
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from User) Restored after undertakings given
2019-07-03 10:40:09
Warning removedThe following warning has expired and is automatically removed:
not following instructions as requested various times & not replying to pms sent
2019-06-25 16:00:01
Status removed:
Verified Uploader(Demoted to User) You have not listened at all.You can reapply for uploading privilege in a week through the uploader request thread.
2019-06-23 14:40:45
Status added:
Verified Uploader(Promoted from User) Received pm stating he was sorry & would not happen again.
2019-06-20 01:52:01
Status removed:
Trusted Uploader(Demoted to User) Lack of communication & not following requests.
2019-06-19 21:13:59
User warnednot following instructions as requested various times & not replying to pms sent
2019-06-18 15:01:11
Status added:
Trusted Uploader(Promoted from User) Thanks: Trusted Uploader
2019-06-07 15:31:03
Status removed:
Trial Uploader(Demoted to User) see pm
2019-06-05 13:00:46
Status added:
Trial Uploader(Promoted from User) Back to uploading.
2019-05-25 07:00:56
Status removed:
Trial Uploader(Demoted to User) last torrent added 21/01/19
2019-03-09 18:22:26