One of the more horrific tricks of the Allies was to feed their spies incorrect information and then drop them where the Germans would find them, torture them and extract false information, the spies didn't know this as the Allied bosses didn...
Basic propaganda beginning with the response to 20 years of NATO expansion, both US and Russia are now trapped in a propaganda push that ignores any chance for peace and accelerates more wars as WW3 expands
Publicity infomercial about how the military and police serve the leech that is the monarch not the people and somehow the UK still claims to be a democracy
Mary Elizabeth Winsted said she wanted to make a second series, which was hinted at being Wall St based, it's a shame they never did, this is one of the best US satires not one to be missed, even if just for the theme song
Millionaires making money through their media presence pretending to show others how to 'save money' when they don't pay taxes, Sickinging 'reality' TV
A war movie that is not about war, it is about the men and women of the Soviet armies and how they cope with liberating Germany from the Nazis. Unlike western movies of the time that concentrated upon the act of fighting and the heroics of war, this...
VPNs don't seem to get along with Microsoft firewall but the firewall will keep resetting and activating to default, anyone know how to stop this? Related question, what is the best browser th...
Can someone add Almost.Family, the TV comedy, the links aen't downloading, looks like it's dead for now
2023-07-14 11:03:09
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