egortech's comment board Post new comment
by bradsmithsite
on 2022-03-27 14:18:09
What a mission finding you egortech after ETTV went sideways. Glad I found you!
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Liked by - FlyinEye

by ForteKosakku
on 2022-05-09 07:47:36
EZTV is still going though. He only joined this site this year. Hes been posting on reddit. Motorsports Replays channel
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by KeesKloost

on 2022-03-13 12:04:46
Thanks to you I can watch all the Nascar and Indycar action. Keep it up bro!
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by minspain
on 2022-02-27 07:55:45
Thank everything that you arrived here! As far as I have searched, no one else on the planet posts every F1 item like you do. Keep it up!!!
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by VU5YyJpR7yH
on 2022-02-22 07:20:27
hello good sir, following you here from ettv for moar f1 content 

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