[color=green]Let's go back in time a bit...[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vi2RSWKfRQ[/youtube]
2023-01-22 17:37:25
[quote=CRiMiNaL] Dear Galaxy Team, I am new on this site and i am good uploader Specially movies and stage videos.I upload regularly and want to make a reputation on this site. Cheers, CRiMiNaL [...
2023-01-22 13:45:30
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=Thalestris] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/im...
2023-01-22 13:32:07
[quote=QueenB] [url=https://ibb.co/THSB4mV][img]https://i.ibb.co/4jGZ8P6/20230122-002813.jpg[/img][/url] Miss Bibi just now ❤ [/quote] [color=green]What do you mean "miss Bibi" ??[/color...
2023-01-21 23:35:09
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=bigj0554] all the best my friend!![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.g...
2023-01-21 13:42:42
[color=green]My favorite song from Ed Sheeran.:_love[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkqVm5aiC28[/youtube]
2023-01-20 19:06:54
[center][size=5][color=red]R.I.P.[/color][/size][/center] [size=6][color=blue][center]David Crosby[/center][/color][/size] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7guZVJFjtJc[/youtube]
2023-01-20 15:48:58
[quote=TomCruise] Super [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=tomcruise] if you want to apply for uploader status please read the following & respond accordingly.[/color] [forum=278614]
2023-01-20 13:00:29
[quote=Nator93] The links are correct but unfortunately to access that site you have to log in with a profile. I'll give you a screen shot as proof of a job. [url=https://ibb.co/x1RWFVT][img]htt...
2023-01-19 15:52:57
[color=green]Don't need 1337X chat. You're with friends & family here. :_:)[/color]
2023-01-19 13:52:09
[quote=QueenB] [img]https://www.theweedpatchstore.com/images/P/funny-welcome-sign_M.jpg[/img] [size=4][color=#F778A1][b] Welcome!!! Welcome all new members (tenants who are going to pay me a l...
2023-01-18 23:08:04
[quote=RedBaron58] [quote=Soup] Ok let's see how long it takes before my post gets deleted and my wings get clipped........ I don't think is the correct decision to award hayzee TO on the me...
2023-01-18 23:00:43
[color=green]Congrats [user=hayzee56] on becoming a T.O. Ok so that's enough congratulations from all of us.So guess what's next ? :_:-@[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/z1LUH2A.gif[/img...
2023-01-18 19:21:03
[color=green]Welcome to TGx [user=Kriioejere][/color]:_:):_pirate [img]https://i.imgur.com/FtcROqp.gif[/img]
2023-01-18 19:11:53
[quote=MaxMonkey] Torrent Books and comics. Glad to meet everyone! [/quote] [color=green]Welcome to TGx [user=maxmonkey] [/color]
2023-01-17 21:34:41
[color=green]Welcome to TGx [user=eisenholz] [/color]:_:)
2023-01-17 11:51:19
[quote=Nator93] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=Nator93] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=Nator93] Hi,i've read the rules. I'm a realeaser from mircrew-releases.org and i'm planning on export and upload...
2023-01-17 00:26:57
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=oo7] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/center] ...
2023-01-16 17:56:02
[quote=Nator93] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=Nator93] Hi,i've read the rules. I'm a realeaser from mircrew-releases.org and i'm planning on export and uploading torrents of my movies. [/quot...
2023-01-16 14:02:45
[quote=QueenB] [quote=miok] [quote=QueenB] [size=4][color=#F778A1]I was wondering when the position of "HER ROYAL HIGHNESS" is becoming available[/color][/size] :_:-@:_:-@:_:-@ [/quote] Th...
2023-01-15 23:47:42
[quote=TeddyBear] Why? [/quote] [color=green]I do not have to give you the reason why. Though I think you know why. The fact remains you are declined[/color] [size=3][color=red]Any further posting ...
2023-01-15 17:28:08
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=TeddyBear] Thanks I have read the rules and want to get Trial uploader status [/quote] [color=green]Please reply to my pm.[/color] [/quote] [color=green]Got your reply. After ...
2023-01-15 17:10:32
[quote=TeddyBear] Thanks I have read the rules and want to get Trial uploader status [/quote] [color=green]Please reply to my pm.[/color]
2023-01-15 16:25:14
[quote=TeddyBear] Hi TGx team I'm here to be an uploader for the first time I plan to upload Movies and TV shows (Mostly TV shows) So please give me a chance Thanks [/quote] [color=green]Hi ...
2023-01-15 11:42:42
[quote=Nator93] Hi,i've read the rules. I'm a realeaser from mircrew-releases.org and i'm planning on export and uploading torrents of my movies. [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=nator93]...
2023-01-15 01:34:54
[quote=SMILEY] I have read the rules and would like uploader status [/quote] [forum=308436] [color=green] I am going to give you a shot. Request......[/color][size=4][color=red]Granted.[/colo...
2023-01-14 16:35:14
[quote=SMILEY] I have read and understand the rules [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=smiley] please read the attached link & respond accordingly.[/color] [forum=278614]
2023-01-14 15:15:55
[size=3][color=green]I know the secret handshake. Works every time. :_:-@[/color][/size] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fMeIMc5.gif[/img]
2023-01-14 15:07:45
[quote=splitzzzzz] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=splitzzzzz] I just uploaded a torrent an hour or so ago. I used the current list of 15 trackers said to be 95% reliable yet get the below from uTorrent 3.5.5...
2023-01-12 01:58:27
[quote=splitzzzzz] I just uploaded a torrent an hour or so ago. I used the current list of 15 trackers said to be 95% reliable yet get the below from uTorrent 3.5.5. Any one else have this issue? A...
2023-01-12 01:36:49