[quote=mamanispbr] Hello, I am a mamanispbr user, I will be posting media in Portuguese and Spanish, I would like to have permission to post torrents [/quote] [color=green]Welcome to TGx [user=mamanis...
2024-02-12 12:39:08
[center][size=4][color=blue][b]Have a super great day [user=coaster] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/c...
2024-02-12 02:38:04
[quote=ROBBREDD] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKB4N4hAPcE[/youtube] [/quote] [color=green]Love it .:_love[/color]
2024-02-12 02:34:25
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=Paladin] Hello everybody, I'd like to apply for the status of Trial Uploader. I'm already an uploader on 1337x and Demonoid (links below) under the same nickname....
2024-02-11 21:29:20
[quote=Paladin] Hello everybody, I'd like to apply for the status of Trial Uploader. I'm already an uploader on 1337x and Demonoid (links below) under the same nickname. If needed, I can...
2024-02-11 20:06:25
[quote=UncleToby1077] Please post an introduction about your self and mention if you are an existing uploader/encoder. Not new to the scene of uploading, have done a few uploads a couple years ago ...
2024-02-11 14:20:05
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=jase1] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/ce...
2024-02-11 12:28:01
[color=green][size=5][center]Hi [user=iamdead1996][/center][/color][/size] [center][img]https://www.gifs.cc/welcome/welcome-3d-yellow-green-animated.gif[/img][/center] [color=green][size=5][center]t...
2024-02-10 15:51:03
[size=4][color=green][center]Hi[/center][/color][/size][center] [user=zaito] [/center] [center][img width=400]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-10117.gif[/img][/center]...
2024-02-09 17:15:46
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=rotblut] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/...
2024-02-09 12:22:12
[quote=sherb] I doubt NotNeo will see this as he's not been here since 2022. As of today the makeover script no longer work as it should.. could be due to code changes on the site itself. H...
2024-02-08 20:28:54
[quote=BitterJames] Hello, I'm not sure if I qualify as a new uploader or existing one since I've already uploaded before on this tracker. Either way, I plan to upload much of the same thin...
2024-02-08 19:57:15
[quote=bdd] I have more than 100Tb of movies and series ready to be uploaded with full subs [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=bdd] welcome to TGx.As stated above please read cover post of attached link ...
2024-02-08 13:24:53
[b][center][size=4][color=green]Hi [/color][/size][/center][/b][center] [user=mehtab] [/center] [center][img width=400]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-0502032.gif[/img]...
2024-02-08 12:05:00
[size=4][color=green][center]Hi[/center][/color][/size][center] [user=countprobisch] [/center] [center][img width=400]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-10117.gif[/img][...
2024-02-08 12:03:37
[quote=MajinGelo] I want an account to reupload some encodes, remuxes, BDMVs, and a bit of my own releases. I have read all the uploading rules. [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=majingelo]. Please r...
2024-02-08 01:00:44
[b][center][size=4][color=green]Hi [/color][/size][/center][/b][center] [user=longyuyan][/center] [center][img width=400]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-0502032.gif[/i...
2024-02-07 12:05:45
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=statixdk] Hi there, old FTP racer and topsite affiliate here. got axx to alot of encodes rips and such. 0day, cracks. dedibox and 1000mbit homenet. Danish release...
2024-02-07 02:59:52
[quote=statixdk] Hi there, old FTP racer and topsite affiliate here. got axx to alot of encodes rips and such. 0day, cracks. dedibox and 1000mbit homenet. Danish releases also 0day/Mo...
2024-02-07 01:28:28
[quote=Leezn3] Hi Guys I need to upload a Home made video of Demon Possesion cought live on camera [/quote] [color=green]Welcome to TGx. [user=leezn3]. We are looking for uploaders who share files on...
2024-02-06 22:15:19
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=SGF] Dear TorrentGalaxy Team, i have used TorrentGalaxy for many years. In my opinion the best torrent site out there! But so far i have only downloaded and lurked in the fo...
2024-02-06 22:04:36
[quote=SGF] Dear TorrentGalaxy Team, i have used TorrentGalaxy for many years. In my opinion the best torrent site out there! But so far i have only downloaded and lurked in the forum. Over the ...
2024-02-06 12:44:21
[quote=STiNGUAJT] Hello, i know i just made an account here, but is there any chance to have the trial uploader status? I plan to upload movies and series with italian dub along with the original l...
2024-02-06 02:57:37
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=ittv] Hi, I specialise in Italian television and I would like to also upload on TGx. Some of my other accounts: https://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=user:ittv2 https:...
2024-02-05 19:30:35
[quote=ittv] Hi, I specialise in Italian television and I would like to also upload on TGx. Some of my other accounts: https://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=user:ittv2 https://1337x.to/user/i...
2024-02-05 19:14:07
[size=4][color=green][center]Hi[/center][/color][/size][center] [user=zeroink] [/center] [center][img width=400]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-10117.gif[/img][/cente...
2024-02-05 18:32:08
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=FedTorrenT] Hi TGx Team, I have my unique source of adult content. So i will upload fresh adult content here without copied or tag/detag others content. I know about tracke...
2024-02-05 15:29:51
[quote=FedTorrenT] Hi TGx Team, I have my unique source of adult content. So i will upload fresh adult content here without copied or tag/detag others content. I know about trackers and how to see...
2024-02-05 14:13:58
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=crayz] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/center...
2024-02-05 12:20:00
[center][size=4][color=blue][b]Have a super great day [user=flyingdutchman] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/i...
2024-02-05 12:19:02