[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=adidas70] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/c...
2024-07-15 12:33:36
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=NTKS] [*] Please post an introduction about your self and mention if you are an existing uploader/encoder. Dear Team, I am a new uploader. I have used torrent sites for a l...
2024-07-14 14:53:12
[quote=NTKS] [*] Please post an introduction about your self and mention if you are an existing uploader/encoder. Dear Team, I am a new uploader. I have used torrent sites for a long time but not ...
2024-07-14 13:23:40
[quote=aviana] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwG6g5boyF4[/youtube] [/quote] [color=green]One of my favorite songs from him.:_love[/color]
2024-07-14 12:18:14
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=1337pro] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/ce...
2024-07-12 12:34:05
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=babadubu] Dear Team, I am a new uploader. I have not previously contributed to any sites though I have been a user of this site for many years. I plan to upload rips of exclus...
2024-07-11 12:40:21
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=bleuetoile] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][...
2024-07-11 12:30:49
[b][center][size=4][color=green]Hi [/color][/size][/center][/b][center] [user=askanisan] [/center] [center][img width=450]https://www.picgifs.com/glitter-gifs/w/welcome/picgifs-welcome-0502032.gif[/i...
2024-07-11 00:59:52
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=kennysp] Dear TGX, i would like to be able to upload movies and music to tgx. im a new uploader and would love to share my content and rips. [/quote] [color=gr...
2024-07-10 22:55:41
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=kennysp] Dear TGX, i would like to be able to upload movies and music to tgx. im a new uploader and would love to share my content and rips. [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=ke...
2024-07-10 22:33:26
[quote=babadubu] Dear Team, I am a new uploader. I have not previously contributed to any sites though I have been a user of this site for many years. I plan to upload rips of exclusively East Africa...
2024-07-10 19:04:22
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=Swaxx] Please post an introduction about your self and mention if you are an existing uploader/encoder. No uploader on other sites, My name is Swaxx, love watching movies and ...
2024-07-10 18:46:16
[quote=Swaxx] Please post an introduction about your self and mention if you are an existing uploader/encoder. No uploader on other sites, My name is Swaxx, love watching movies and encoding them ofc...
2024-07-10 18:26:54
[quote=Swaxx] Hi im new here first time. Been doing encodes from blurays to 1080p x265 a couple of years for myself, small size with good quality on both Video and Audio. Wanted to start sharing my en...
2024-07-10 12:46:40
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=kennysp] Dear TGX, i would like to be able to upload movies and music to tgx. im a new uploader and would love to share my content and rips. [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=ke...
2024-07-09 13:22:41
[quote=kennysp] Dear TGX, i would like to be able to upload movies and music to tgx. im a new uploader and would love to share my content and rips. [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=kennysp] welcome....
2024-07-09 00:28:31
[quote=wolfye] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=wolfye] Hi, i've been a long time uploader of science and educational ebooks. I have access to a large library of ebooks and provide original new ebooks as ...
2024-07-08 20:37:25
[quote=wolfye] Hi, i've been a long time uploader of science and educational ebooks. I have access to a large library of ebooks and provide original new ebooks as they are released. Here are my a...
2024-07-08 17:14:26
[quote=Langevloei] [quote=Langevloei] Please adjust the Galaxy Checkpoint page to the Dark Theme. The white page is very bright. :_B) [/quote] Any chance this will happen? :_eyes [/quote] [color=g...
2024-07-08 16:15:06
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=merlin] all the best my friend .[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/...
2024-07-08 12:05:24
[quote=pifeviko] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=pifeviko] Hello, This is pifeviko from Bangladesh and as You know I am already part of TGx from a very long time so thought after the years getting all things,...
2024-07-07 13:19:43
[quote=pifeviko] Hello, This is pifeviko from Bangladesh and as You know I am already part of TGx from a very long time so thought after the years getting all things, It's time to give something ...
2024-07-06 17:34:10
[quote=AsmodeusXero] I am an encoder, I have an obscure collection of rarities, -no porn-, just good stuff. I also do rework such as upscales and repacks, I have been an uploader to demonoid for about...
2024-07-06 14:19:16
[quote=AsmodeusXero] I have an obscure collection of rarities, -no porn-, just good stuff. I also do rework such as upscales and repacks, I have been an uploader to demonoid for about two years, https...
2024-07-06 13:46:41
[quote=JayyTargaryen] I want to get into uploading and providing the people out there with high quality remux of anime movies and AI upscaled anime films as it is very hard to find many uploaders out ...
2024-07-06 13:06:11
[center][size=5][color=blue][i]This Canadian wishes all our Amreican friends a happy & safe 4th of July[/i][/color][/size][/center] [center][img width=750]https://www.funimada.com/assets/images/c...
2024-07-03 23:17:25
[quote=zkbrs] Hey, guys I've been posting towers for a while now on Telegram (t.me/driveskai) but I want to post them now on the website and they recommended tgx I will post torrents in 1080p an...
2024-07-03 22:58:35
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=easycomeeasygo] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=easycomeeasygo] Hi everyone, I'm a new uploader and would like to upload a few movies and full bluray rips. Can I get trial stat...
2024-07-03 13:18:47
[quote=easycomeeasygo] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=easycomeeasygo] Hi everyone, I'm a new uploader and would like to upload a few movies and full bluray rips. Can I get trial status please? Tha...
2024-07-02 21:31:43
[color=green][size=5][center]Hi [user=thenamelessone][/center][/color][/size] [center][img]https://www.gifs.cc/welcome/welcome-3d-yellow-green-animated.gif[/img][/center][color=green][size=5][cen...
2024-07-01 20:11:47