2024-10-13 02:46:52
[quote=tbohana] is this forum still active? I've given this great though for a time and thinking that i'd like to give it a shot at DJing [/quote] [color=green]Due to major maintenance the ...
2024-10-12 17:39:12
[size=7][color=red][center]🦃 To all my fellow Canadians. 🦃 [/center][/color][/size] [center][img width=750]https://media.tenor.com/S-ua1Y4gjqMAAAAd/happy-thanksgiving-canadian.gif[/img][/cen...
2024-10-12 12:02:57
2024-10-12 11:42:59
[center][img width=700]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6c/ad/67/6cad67f7a96469ec541154117c44c4be.jpg[/img][/center]
2024-10-12 02:41:05
[color=green]Some choose to believe what they want to. All are entitled to their own opinion . Life goes on .......[/color]
2024-10-11 14:31:24
2024-10-11 11:56:46
2024-10-11 02:31:47
[quote=platypusp] Seeders, Leehers and Completed not showing on the site. all showing zero for all torrents for last hour. [/quote] [color=green]Just checked a few files & am seeing the all info. ...
2024-10-10 12:26:50
2024-10-10 12:07:20
2024-10-10 02:49:38
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=tuanlop8a] [quote=bigboy12] [color=green]Hi [user=tuanlop8a]. Am glad you read the rules but you failed to mention if you uploaded before & on what sites. Also if you hav...
2024-10-10 01:01:10
[quote=tuanlop8a] [quote=bigboy12] [color=green]Hi [user=tuanlop8a]. Am glad you read the rules but you failed to mention if you uploaded before & on what sites. Also if you have uploaded before...
2024-10-09 21:13:20
[quote=tuanlop8a] Hi, I have read in the rules that I have to upload a minimum of 5 torrents a month, the first one within 24 hours, and I am fine with that. I will [b]NOT[/b] upload games, apps or s...
2024-10-09 20:41:32
2024-10-09 13:12:46
2024-10-09 02:00:26
[quote=jeddak] Hi everyone. I apologize for my prolonged absence. Would it be possible to reinstate me as an uploader? Thank you. [/quote] [color=green]Welcome back [user=jeddak]. As per site ru...
2024-10-08 14:26:02
2024-10-08 13:06:47
2024-10-08 03:05:09
[quote=qq3020825808] I am going to upload 1080P AI resources from Star Trek Voyager, I hope you can approve! [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=qq3020825808] . Please read cover post of attached link &a...
2024-10-07 17:08:11
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=miok] [center][img width=700]https://i.ibb.co/9qc8gCG/Entries-So-Far.png[/img] [img]https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2024/09/17/Entry-1ad543df18f0337d7.jpg[/img] [img]htt...
2024-10-07 16:44:01
2024-10-07 12:39:35
2024-10-07 03:00:19
2024-10-06 12:02:55
[center][size=4][color=green][b]Have a super great day [user=wyldchyld] all the best !![/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img]...
2024-10-06 11:57:59
[quote=ApexDoom] Hallo guys, i am well aged or to be hones " old as Duck" , My question is kind of a request if you can recomend me LINKs where i can browse for new tv shows or movies. ...
2024-10-05 23:32:00
[quote=Ever] Hello! I would like to ask permission to upload macOS games tested and working on montereyOS with Trail Uploader status. I theory there are none of exe file. thanks for the response...
2024-10-05 23:09:06
2024-10-05 12:22:48
[center][img width=700]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.7aXl6LvIJaRLrKPizHWkbQHaK3?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain.png[/img][/center]
2024-10-05 02:14:40
2024-10-04 11:43:16