2021-01-10 02:30:04
2021-01-10 02:24:09
[quote=jaxe] Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes here, on my wall and in my reviews but it's not my birthday until October. [/quote] [size=3][color=green]Look at it this way [user=jaxe] you...
2021-01-10 02:00:54
[quote=vdogeek] I'm glad to have opened a TXT in a file I downloaded elsewhere, that's how i found a few great sites like this one! Thanks for allowing me here and I will follow any rules/directions g...
2021-01-09 16:24:13
[size=3][color=green][center]Have a great day [user=jaxe] all the best.🎂🥳🎁[/center][/color][/size] [center][img]https://gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/center]
2021-01-09 13:29:49
[quote=callaghan00] Hi all, I am into music mainly, I like to torrent flacs and mp3's, but not easy these days to find torrents sites up and working well honestly. Hope I could bring some fresh ai...
2021-01-09 12:46:57
[color=green][size=3]Hi [user=HippoKrazee] welcome to TGx ,don't know about bad things here but I do know there are GREAT things!!! We have an incredible community and all are friendly.Take a look fo...
2021-01-09 12:41:53
[size=4][color=green]Top 10 are we, well other sites beware we've only just begun.We're kicking ass & there's no stopping us now .:D👍[/color][/size]
2021-01-08 17:20:37
[center][size=4][color=green]Have a great day [user=Reno57] all the best .🎂🥳🎁[/color][/size][/center] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/f8e59e80ab5666d1cb1382cfe85d4b45.gif[/img][/center]
2021-01-08 13:20:47
2021-01-08 02:39:44
2021-01-08 02:21:08
[quote=Myob42] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffunnypost.in%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F08%2FPR1Fe.gif[/img] [/quote] :-):-):-)
2021-01-07 18:41:36
2021-01-07 02:57:35
2021-01-07 02:41:43
[size=3][color=green]We have kings gunslingers Barons & nice guys but after all that & I'm still an old fart :([/color][/size] [img width=100]https://gyazo.com/d4058185c18b36ad5c69c50a469a42a5.gif...
2021-01-07 02:39:13
[size=4][color=green]All good my end also.[/color][/size]
2021-01-07 01:49:34
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Mafketel] [quote=QueenB] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Superbikemike] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/1f/9e/891f9ee33524dcff9fdda13d55eb4e41.jpg[/img]...
2021-01-06 21:49:03
[quote=QueenB] [quote=Superbikemike] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/1f/9e/891f9ee33524dcff9fdda13d55eb4e41.jpg[/img] hey hash :D:D:D [/quote] [size=4][color=#F778A1]BB can lend you one of his ...
2021-01-06 20:19:40
[size=3][color=green]Hi [user=HashedNSalted] welcome to TGx ,glad to have you with us.Have fun & enjoy .:)[/color][/size]
2021-01-05 12:28:09
[quote=QueenB] [quote=rai555] Hi all, excited to join this site, looks like a decent one. Looking forward for some great time [/quote] [size=4][color=#F778A1]We are all very decent here...as long as...
2021-01-04 23:18:17
[quote=rai555] Hi all, excited to join this site, looks like a decent one. Looking forward for some great time [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=rai555] welcome to TGx,you are definitely in the right ...
2021-01-04 18:18:23
[quote=lee12xxx] killer212 torrent fan i wanna seed + download from yours [/quote] [center][color=green]Hi [user=lee12xxx] welcome to TGx .Look around, many things to see & do .We have a great com...
2021-01-04 12:16:16
[center][img width=800]https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/28/82/21871936-anime_quote__255_by_anime_quotes-d78afhe.jpg[/img][/center]
2021-01-04 01:50:15
[center][size=5][color=red]RIP[/color][/size] [size=6][color=blue]Gerry Marsden[/color][/size][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aiKl7uzUbM[/youtube][/center]
2021-01-04 01:19:37
2021-01-04 01:10:17
[center][img width=700]https://i.gyazo.com/ec2626249b693e81e850cb07f898d6af.jpg[/img][/center]
2021-01-04 01:05:20
[quote=Shadowrider] Hello, I am Shadowrider. So glad to be here. I am from Southern Ontario and am going on 84. I ride a 750 Honda Shadow, hence the name. Been around computers since the Atari years. ...
2021-01-03 23:08:28
[quote=Enjoyment4me] Hi Everyone :) Just wanted to ask if you are able to name a good vpn for me. I am not a uploader and not very computer of technology smart. Also can you pay using paypal or si...
2021-01-03 14:46:13
2021-01-03 02:04:24
[quote=jeddak] Hello everyone, I'm jeddak, passionate about movies and TV series, I hope to be able to give my contribution :) [/quote] [color=green]Hi [user=jeddak] welcome to TGx ,glad to have you...
2021-01-02 21:36:45