Just like all pay tv it runs on ratings. This is "over before it began" Ive every episode avail as do most of the whovians right down to the recreated n audio files from early years. I revel in what it once was and not the dribble it is no...
@3296 Unfortunately you are wrong on this issue, for almost 70 yrs there was never an issue not 1 fan left saying garbage an entire whovian following was come about over this time. It is now utter rubbish,true fans are gone it is only those who have ...
i have over 800 000 tv episodes 7000 plus movies, i was there in the 60s i have tried to be unbiased over the last few years. But i will for the first time in my life say i will not watch this Drivel
the cams can be better or worse than they were 20 yrs ago. ive been at it since before bearshare. i've 12000 movies well over 1.3 million ty episodes and i am gobsmacked that the cams are now used as a media of blatant advertising and nothing no...
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Hate inciting COMMENT: its ok JAXE honestly has no idea about movies except for all the cut n paste She does. Like anything in life if you just ignore Her (and if everybody did) She would go away. Feeding the troll just makes it bigger