Thanks for the update. Working fine. I got bored with Stalker 2. Same stuff over and over (fire/reload/heal/run like hell/reload again/heal/rads=drink vodka/heal/reload/gun jams/switch weapons/run like hell/heal/eat/run....etc, and no random anythi...
Took about 20 min to install, but worth the wait. They did semi fix fps drops in the towns. Still better than before. Thank you. I also replaced my dying SSD with a new one.:_:)
Working. Some how, and I checked all the areas (I think), for my game "save" when I was using Ubisoft-connect. So I thought I had to start all over again. It showed up and loaded my save. The saved game is working just fine. DLC was nice. T...
Downloaded because I wanted to know why your getting an error. No error after extracting the file with winrar. Just for kicks I scanned it with bitdefender knowing there are no viruses anyways, and all 17,652 folders and 2,102 are clean as a whistle...
Thank you. I never played the mist games or this. But damn it looks relaxing and the improved visuals helps me getting lost in another world. I'll probable google a ton of walkthrough parts. :_:)
Thank you for the game and it runs just fine. I was reading about high cpu usage and temps. When I first started the game my cpu was at 99% usage. Then a message showed something like building shaders and 10 seconds later my cpu went down to around ...
I did it a little differently then others. I DL the GOG version you told us about. Once I installed it I just went ahead and downloaded gog galaxy and installed London with no problems. Gog galaxy does the rest. Thank you as always.:_:)
Between this and NFSMW (original) are the two best racing games I've ever played. Both are high octane fun. I wish they would make more quality racing games (or just games in general) these days. Thank you. I'll be playing this between ot...
It installs just fine, but the crack must not be included because when I run it, my steam opens up and says no license. Just thought you should know. I will try downloading update v1.12.36 and copy the files to your copy. Thanks :_:)
27 03 and 29. [size=1][color=red]Admin edit: votes counted[/color][/size]
2023-03-31 21:39:38
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Points returned ( 1 points )
Comment recovered: Your comment said "let goooo". What does that mean? I'm at max upload/and download speed. BTW, thank you for the game. It is worth buying. But I would like a few t-bone steaks tonight and a few rubbers in case I get laid from my ex girlfriend. No telling where she's been for last year. Thank you again.:_B)
2024-03-22 05:33:22
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: Your comment said "let goooo". What does that mean? I'm at max upload/and download speed. BTW, thank you for the game. It is worth buying. But I would like a few t-bone steaks tonight and a few rubbers in case I get laid from my ex girlfriend. No telling where she's been for last year. Thank you again.:_B)