con che programma lo vedi? io prima di pubblicarlo l'ho visto senza nessun problema....... era fluido come l'olio prova a guardarlo con un altro programma
if you don't like my releases because they are too small, don't download them, download the 70 gb ones..... that's not a problem for me.... I see all my releases before publishing them, I like them Like this
[quote=miok] [quote=Licdom] hi, i can't upload, when i try to upload i get this[/quote] Same here. We're looking into it. [/quote] ok, i have to wait, thank you for your work, I hope yo...
Good morning everyone Yesterday I downloaded the 4k version of Rebel Moon and took a screenshot from both the original and my upscaled release. Look at the photo. [img]
[size=5] Software needed to do UpScaling... Download and install[color=red] Python version 3.11[/color] from here: [url][/url] [img]