Greetings Goomer, just wanting to express my sincere gratitude for this audio book and especially the inclusion of the ePublication as well. Best wishes, Erik
Greetings Goomer, Thank you for including the epublication with the audio file as I would have requested it had it not been. Best wishes, Erik the Viking
Greetings, Thank you so very, very much for your efforts in fulfilling my request. Best wishes, Erik the Viking PS: Just saw that it is being narrated by: Colin Firth. That for me will be truly a treat.
Greetings, thank you very, very much for this audio book as I actually have a paperback in my hand and reading along. If at all possible to acquire "The End of An Affair" also by Graham Greene as an audio book ? Thank you for the considerat...
Dear Workerbee, Thank you so very, very much for including her body of work in your excellent collection. I did buy two of her book in paperback as that was all two different bookstores had available. Now that I have so much more I can truly apprec...
Greetings, Thank you so very much for this audio book and especially for including the ePublication so that I can read along when listen to it as well. The subject matter of the book is ver illuminating as well. This is much appreciated. Have a great...
Greetings Mobi, Those words "Your requests are welcome!' are music to my ears. Thank you. I do have a request which several weeks was posted to another individual with no results. I would very much like a copy of the audio c=version of Pre...
Thank you so very much for including an ePublication along with the audio. This is much appreciated. Most likely I will also order a hard copy. Best wishes, Erik the Viking
Thank you for uploading this series. Is there a vol. number 1 of this ?
2024-01-09 03:51:54
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Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Request/unintelligible COMMENT: Thank you very much. Is there any chance to obtain vol. 2 since you have posted vol 1 and 3. That you very much