Cusack was great and he is with Seagal and Willis path for a decade now, but can't understand what happened with Emile Hirsch.He also had a massive talent and now he is also StraightOnVideo...:_:(
Love the movie,got it on a retail DVD from back then.It's not for everyone.If you have come across to a almost identical situations in your life you'll understand.
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: Yeah, he was one of the THOUSANDS of the patrons of the crowdfunded movie.So?..."Texas has the largest list of registered sex offenders in the US in 2023, with over 100,000 individuals; California follows, with about 62,000.....A total of 786,838 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of Feb 2023 in US"
2023-10-03 06:36:22
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment: Thanks.Love the 2003 one.Stan Winston was the best.
Scratch that.The first 27 min. are ALL filled with this leftist-LGTBQNGA propaganda.Fuck.This.Film.