User details for Censored

Username Censored:_male:
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Joined 2020-11-25 20:13:21
Last Visit 2025-02-22 10:03:01
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    22
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My mistake on only 8 episodes. Seems like Aired order and DVD order vary for this season.
2025-02-01 23:21:48
Yea, first season is a bit messed up. The first file is actually S00E08 Good Witch Halloween. The last 2 are the same as the first 2 from season 2, and the Season 1 finale (90 Mins) is missing (btw, only 8 episodes in season 01 according to TVDB). ...
2025-02-01 22:16:27
Not sure how you can have an "Essential" Toto without the song Goin' Home. Just my opinion, tho.
2024-10-31 15:30:19
Just wondering if there's any chance of getting Season 01?
2024-08-30 03:40:21
Dont hold your breath. This is typical for Megusta. Just wait and hopefully Battlestar will post the full season since he also did the first season. Might want to get the Kontrast release instead...good quality, just a little bit bigger filesizes.
2024-07-03 00:46:21
Just wondering...are you planning on doing the first four seasons, or is it just this one?
2024-02-16 03:48:24
Just do a search for x265 rarbg, or h264 rarbg and you'll see IndexFroggy uploads stuff from there.
2023-09-03 07:14:29
I believe its missing the last episode, S01E05 - Kingsford Invitational
2023-05-18 14:59:03
Missing the last 2 episodes of Season 13. Should be 18 total, not 16.
2023-01-26 01:32:38
Thank you for this. Was just wondering if its possible to get Season 1 uploaded as well? Thanks for all the hard work.
2022-11-24 08:49:55
Missing one episode: S03E21 - Couch Potato (or 3x07c)
2022-10-01 17:44:57
Awesome. Thank you for the "bonus" episode they sprung on everyone.
2022-08-21 20:23:34
Thank you very much.
2022-04-21 21:45:53
I assume this is the Charmed (2018) version of the show and not the (1998) version that you have listed, right?
2022-04-17 13:14:41
Thanks for the upload...really appretiate everything you guys do to get stuff on here. But, i was just wondering if there was gonna be an update to the upload once all 16 episodes have aired, instead of just the 13 posted here.
2022-03-06 06:01:11
Thank you, thank you. Been waiting for someone to finally get around to doing some Star Trek shows. Hopefully this keeps up through all the series' :_:-@
2022-01-31 04:32:55
Awesome. Assumed it was something like that, but you know what they say about assumption... Thanks for the quick reply.
2022-01-17 22:53:38
Just curious as to why there's a difference between the TV Pack files and the individual Episode files. Sometimes very little, but other times its several hundred MB per file.
2022-01-17 14:29:26
Thanks for this.
2021-11-20 21:09:23
Thank you very mucn
2021-11-04 22:39:12
Yes, thank you. Hoping for Patton 360 as well at some point.
2020-12-11 09:11:09
Working perfectly now. Thanks, mate.
2020-11-26 05:45:35

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Hi there, Looking for the full series of Hell on Wheels, Earth: Final Conflict, and a fairly obscure tv show called Roar.
2020-11-25 20:31:37

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Should be 8 episodes, not 6, in the series.

Missing - Moses: Death Chase
- Alexander: Lord of War
2021-04-02 18:13:01
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2020-11-25 20:14:16

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