User details for BeyondTRG

Username BeyondTRG
User Class User
Joined 2021-01-28 10:04:54
Last Visit 2025-02-21 11:36:50
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    27
Forum Posts 9
Total reviews 4
Reputation points 20

thanks for the kind words
2022-10-14 21:04:26
Thanks for joining in with the Galaxy Hits Album 🎶
2022-07-06 14:56:12
lovely post on the meat loaf....
2022-01-21 21:17:46
Thanks for the helpful review of Star Trek Prodigy 👍
2021-10-29 00:00:11
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Never watched Alien then have you?
2024-08-21 10:41:46
Thank you! 1080p x265 is just what the doctor ordered.
2024-07-03 16:10:30
Thanks! More like this please, it's disgusting and delightful in equal measure
2024-01-04 13:07:56
WOW! What a misleading torrent title and artist accreditation. "John Williams - The Greatest Movie Soundtracks (2023)" it is not. "Various Artists - The Greatest Movie Soundtracks (2023)" is more accurate.
2024-01-02 21:59:15
Official UK Charts. I think you should've skipped Christmas '69 as I don't think anyone would've objected considering the person. I suspect that some of the other comments are from people outside the UK who don't understand h...
2023-11-24 16:32:51
Thank you! I've been looking forward to the second season, hopefully it is as funny and entertaining as the first.
2023-08-14 09:32:02
Needs a *REPACK* the last 30-ish mins are repeated Split point is from the advert break at 00:36:08, it jumps back to 00:12:47 and continues as normal.
2023-03-07 12:13:04
Thank you. I can't wait for their reaction when the get beaten to the title by Stockport and get dumped out of the promotion play-offs by Grimsby.
2022-08-25 17:44:25
That would depend on where you are in the world. I'm going to assume that you're basing that figure on the billboard chart. Which does agree at 12 number ones. In other countries that figure of 12 is different. For example in Germany she�...
2022-08-19 06:59:46
Do these cracked games contain anything dodgy these days? I not used any cracked games/software for well over 15 years so i'm curious to know if anyone has experience with this kinda thing because, being honest here, i'm not paying full pr...
2022-08-14 09:55:17
I will admit to owning ALL of the 2 Unlimited albums and singles.
2022-04-27 17:48:26
30th anniversary edition...... fffffffffffffffffudge i feel ancient now!
2022-04-27 17:41:27
Thank you. I've had the pleasure to see the mighty Satch live in Manchester on a couple of occasions, never disappoints.
2022-04-07 19:34:27
Well, Davy Jones was, but I agree the group are not British.
2022-03-31 20:15:04
Quite right, Sligo and Dublin. But don't blame PMedia, blame the people who compiled the list, you know that crappy fruit company.
2022-03-31 20:13:34
I can see a Robbie Williams, but not Robin :_:)
2022-03-31 20:11:48
Thank you @DjBaseLes , very much appreciated. I will seed for 48 hours myself once the torrent has fully downloaded.
2022-02-17 09:20:16
Thanks for this pack, but is anyone that has reached 100% able to seed? Torrent has stalled at around 91%. Cheers
2022-02-14 17:10:09
Thank you for this, great band, saw them live in 2019, amazing.
2022-01-31 18:19:31
What a great year for music, not a duff track in that list.
2022-01-31 18:12:33
Rest in Peace and give'em hell Marvin. One of the best live acts I've seen. Gutted that you are gone.
2022-01-21 18:09:41
File size is under 60MB? Are we sure that this is a full episode? I think this needs a different source and then repacking.
2021-11-12 08:54:59
Excellent episode. The animation is great and the story isn't dumbed down. A better start than Lower Decks. Worth watching.
2021-10-28 20:25:41
Thank you, much kindness. - BTRG
2021-06-11 13:41:05
I have questions. Shouldn't a good, god fearing person, actually purchase these types of films? Isn't acquiring anything from this, and other similar sites, going to send that person straight to hell? Why waste energy in continuing the ...
2021-06-01 07:57:17
Thanks for correcting the previous issue and reupping.
2021-02-10 14:13:50
Thank you for the upload. Video & Audio are out of sync though.
2021-02-06 21:44:44

Post preview
Hello all I am looking for The Traitors New Zealand Season 2 in 1080p (x265) please. It started last month. Some episodes are on eztv in 720p but the quality is lacking. I've tried searching...
2024-08-01 15:53:23
Hello! I was hoping someone would be able to upload the new Paramount+ series [b]Insomnia[/b] in 1080p x265. Two episodes have premiered. While there i...
2024-05-24 16:15:02
Hello there, I am wondering if anyone can grab (or is currently grabbing) the new TV Show "The Killing Kind". It aired all six episodes on Paramount+ UK & Ireland earlier this week. ...
2023-09-09 10:01:13
@Batuts & @LeftistDirtBag Thank you for giving it a whirl and tracking down some info. It's a show my mother wants to watch so I was going to shove on my plex server for her. She doesn&#...
2022-10-14 17:25:57
Hello there, I was wondering if it would be possible to acquire the new Paramount+ show, "The Ex-Wife". IMDB: I appreciate it only started yes...
2022-10-13 21:51:02
[quote=xJOHNNYx]2 - Joe Satriani - Summer Song - [/quote] Yes, absolute belter of a tune, but what about Flying In a Blue Dream or Chords of Life? - BtR...
2022-07-03 20:24:20
I would like to suggest : Battle Beast - Endless Summer Before you all go, pfffffffffffft, power metal, watch/listen to the whole song. It is a great...
2022-07-03 20:21:10
Would be grateful for episodes 3 and 4 of "The Beast Must Die" in x265 720p The first two episodes are available on TGx ( & https://torrentgal...
2021-06-11 06:43:52
Is there any chance of getting a 720p x265 rip of the series Men In Kilts please? It's available on Sundays via the STARZ app/channel. (two episodes have been broadcast) IMDB :
2021-02-22 09:42:43

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2021-01-28 10:50:45

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