cool gif😂 agreed that was a one of the better from the Rise of the Footsoldier franchise really enjoyed the first one the Pat Tate story 3 and this Origins Carlton Leech only participated and payed for the first 2 movies fun fact
just checked the whole film the advert 1XBET.COM only comes on once in the film fairly decent for 1st cam a little cam movement at beginning nothing major 7/10 audio & video overall very decent much appreciated many thanks :)
watched this a month back on a streaming site good film but not as good as the 1st strangers but definitely worth a look thankyou for the HD print many thanks ill seed a few days after download :)
watched this a few weeks back on cam really good film cant wait watch this on a much better print awesome share many thanks ill seed this for a good while :)
good film and story, special fx were decent and the music score was kind of like john carpenter's [halloween and the fog] surprisingly good overall very decent 9/10 audio/video 9/10
just finished watching great film good laugh good cast and story definitely worth a watch 10/10 audio / video 10/10 if you've seen shameless you will love this many thanks :) heres trailer looks decent ill leave feedback after ive downloaded and watched thanks very much :)
watched this last nite audio and video 10/10 film itself 9/10 good cast and story well worth a watch filmed in manchester with a typical mancunian sense of humor great film i loved it many thanks :) ill seed it for a few days