Please, Can Anyone Help?

Superbikemike:_moderator::_turtle:Posted at 2022-03-31 21:04:18(151Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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this may sound stupid but the ports are in the wrong places as there listed on the manufactures web site i had that issue with mine until someone told me drove me nuts - dell ...
2.0 worked fine on the 3.0 ports and 3.0 worked fine on 2.0. port, i was kinda duh when i was told ....:_facepalm

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sherb:_trusted_uploader::_sitefriend::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-03-31 21:08:23(151Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
El Wino
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Are you absolutely sure the cable is a USB 3 cable as they run on different pins.

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Prom3th3uS:_verified_uploader::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-03-31 21:21:53(151Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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Yup, Technology is too damn advanced nowadays, hey, I ordered iPhone, see what I got, lol :_facepalm :_:-@

Anyway, It is worth trying, to use any external 3.0 cable so, it may confirm whether the cable is wrong or the port.
I doubt the cable might be wrong, because not every laptop or PC could be manufactured possibly wrong, but the cable could be.

It's an option, as the drive is already being used under 2.0 not a big deal, but making sure of cable is pretty easy to test.

Testing Port:
On the manager screen, click Universal Serial Bus Controllers and look for a USB 3.0 controller listed. Additionally, when you have a USB 3.0 peripheral plugged into a USB 3.0 port, Windows may also show you a notification that the device is connected to a USB 3.0 port or that it is operating at SuperSpeed.

1. Right-click the Windows icon (bottom left) and select Device Manager.
2. In the Device Manager window, select Universal Serial Bus controllers.
3. Locate the USB port by its type (e.g. 3.0, 3.1). If there are not 3.0 or above ports, your computer is not USB 3 enabled.
4. Else, use a USB tree viewer:[/color]

Furthermore, Sometimes, if you plug the USB3.0 device too slowly, it is recognized as 2.0.
Why? Because the 3.0 line of pins is in a second row so if the protocol handshake is finished before your device is fully plugged in, it will never get USB3.0 speed.

Good luck!

Last edited by Prom3th3uS on 2022-03-31 21:37:42

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ExGamer:_moderator:Posted at 2022-03-31 21:58:25(151Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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Mike is right. May be that's the problem.

You can also try checking if proper drivers are installed or try updating if they already installed.

(See this)

Image error

You can also refer this link - USB 3 ports not working. That might help you.

YoungBloodNY82 wrote:

USB 3.0 ports and plugs are usually blue right? If that's the case ,then I'm sure it's  a USB 3.0 cable....
In laptops it might be black sometimes. I'm having black, but its 3.0.

YoungBloodNY82 wrote:

Is there anyway I can test a port to see if it is 3.0 or not?
If I'm right, easiest way is by observing read/write speed.
Or check the symbol on the port(may or may not present in some devices).

Image error
USB 2.0

Image error
USB 3.0

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nathonwade1Posted at 2022-08-14 14:29:50(131Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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As a student, I am interested in going to the Uk for study purposes. So I want to know some important information about it such as bank statement for UK visa. Would you help me please?

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Mafketel:_super_admin::_male:Posted at 2022-08-14 15:30:07(131Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
Galaxy OG
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@nathonwade1 best to check out any government websites in UK.
Or just Google

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