SERIES INFO Genre: Game Show Reality Stars: - Series Plot: Inspired by Dwayne Johnson's desire to motivate global audiences to reach their potential both mentally and physically, this inspiring new athletic competition series offers everyday people the opportunity to step inside the Titan arena and achieve the impossible. Every episode, six contenders compete against one of six reigning Titans. They will be challenged in incredible head-to-head battles designed to test the minds, bodies and hearts of our competitors. Sheer brute strength won't be enough. If a contender rises to the occasion and defeats one of the Titans, they take their place and join the elite Titan group. But once one becomes a Titan, they must be victorious every week to keep their spot. In the epic season finale, the Titans battle it out against one another in the hope of becoming the last male and female standing.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Titan Games Championship Airdate: 2019-02-28 Episode plot: A field of 64 exceptional athletes has been narrowed down to 8 elite Titans who will compete in epic head-to-head battles. The top 2 men and 2 women advance for one last chance to compete and conquer Mount Olympus. In the end, one man and one woman will be crowned Titan Champions.
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