SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Jimmy Fallon, Steve Higgins, The Roots Series Plot: Hailing from Rockefeller Center in the heart of New York City, Jimmy has made it his mission to make sure viewers end the day with a smile. Each weeknight, he hosts A-list guests, from movie stars to athletes, comedians, public figures and everyone in between. He also delivers a signature nightly monologue, performs in topical comedy sketches, plays fan-favorite games, and presents recurring segments like Thank You Notes. Today's popular musical guests also stop by to perform alongside house band The Roots.
EPISODE INFO Title: Tina Fey, Ben Stiller, Robert Irwin, Robert De Niro, Florida Georgia Line Airdate: 2019-02-25 Episode plot: Actress Tina Fey- actor Ben Stiller- TV personality Robert Irwin- actor Robert De Niro- Florida Georgia Line performs.
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