SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Rutina Wesley, Dawn-Lyen Gardner, Kofi Siriboe, Tina Lifford, Omar J. Dorsey, Dondre Whitfield, Timon Kyle Durrett, Nicholas L. Ashe, Greg Vaughan, Ethan Hutchison Series Plot: The series follows the life of two sisters, Nova Bordelon and Charley Bordelon, who, with her teenage son Micah moves to the heart of Louisiana to claim an inheritance from her recently departed father - an 800-acre sugarcane farm.
EPISODE INFO Title: Of Several Centuries Airdate: 2019-07-31 Episode plot: Nova's press tour continues, and she reconnects with Calvin. Violet's diner is vandalized, and Charley discovers the perpetrator. Darla continues to struggle. Ralph Angel's re-entry program is in jeopardy. Plus, Charley receives devastating news.
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