SERIES INFO Genre: Food Game Show Reality Stars: Padma Lakshmi, Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons, Hugh Acheson, Emeril Lagasse, Graham Elliot Series Plot: Top Chef is a reality show unlike any other while it searches for the world's next Top Chef. Each week this talented group of chefs, professionally trained and self-taught, will be challenged and judged by some of the best known chefs in the industry. Over the course of the season and endless challenges one chef a week is asked to "pack their knives and go" until there is only one left standing as the ultimate Top Chef.
EPISODE INFO Title: Music City USA Airdate: 2019-01-31 Episode plot: The chefs take a road trip to Nashville and cook on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry for country music artist Hunter Hayes. Then, they have to dig deep to create a dish inspired by a vibrant music memory. Next, the chefs work on a plate for a full table of Nashville food.