SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Travel Stars: - Series Plot: This three 52-minute films series, Japan between sky and earth, takes us on a journey of discovery though a wild and little-known Japan filmed and showed as never before with 4K images and spectacular aerial shots. The three films, from north to south, shot on 4 seasons, reveal the mystery of some the most beautiful sites in the country, the great spectacle of nature and the subtle balance that prevails in Japan between tradition and modernity.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Snow Island Airdate: Episode plot: Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, with its panoramas forged by volcanoes and tradition, is a mighty international economic power. In the far north of the country, Hokkaido, one of the four large islands making up the archipelago, the ancient and sacred land of the Ainu people, is a vast natural paradise. This journey over the four seasons of the year, between earth and sky, volcanoes and clear lakes, tells the unique story of people who live at one with nature.
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