SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: - Series Plot: Enterprice is a new comedy written and created by Kayode Ewumi, co-creator of online smash #HoodDocumentary. Kazim and Jeremiah are two young entrepreneurs in the early stages of rolling out their home delivery service, Speedi-Kazz. Both are blessed with different skill-sets: Kazim has the energy and confidence, Jeremiah has the brains - but on occasion these differences can leave them at loggerheads. We follow their fledgling business, and this awkward bromance, as it makes its way into the homes of Kazim and Jeremiah's fellow Londoners.
EPISODE INFO Title: Hoops 'n' Dreams Airdate: 2018-11-29 Episode plot: It is a big day for Kazim and Jeremiah - their fledgling delivery business, Speedi-Kazz, has won the opportunity to pitch for £20,000 in front of some of London's most successful entrepreneurs. But what is the best approach - slick and professional or cool and calm? Either way, Kaz doesn't think they should be begging for money.
There are plenty of distractions before they get there - Kitty, the annoying ex-model turned vegan pop-up proprietor who has made it on daddy's money, a group of singers insisting Kazim buys a ticket to their show, and a couple of kids who just want to finish their game of basketball.
Most ominously, there are Jeremiah's parents, both of whom seem to know nothing about Speedi-Kazz and think their son is about to go into his third year studying medicine at university. When is Jeremiah going to tell his parents the truth?
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