SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Paul Bartholomew, Tony Okungbowa, Ellen DeGeneres, Stephen "tWitch" Boss, Andy Lassner Series Plot: A mix of celebrity interviews, musical performers, audience participation games, and segments spotlighting real people with extraordinary stories and talents, hosted by comedienne Ellen DeGeneres. The Ellen Degeneres Show is filmed at Warner Brothers Studios, 3400 W. Riverside Drive, Burbank, CA.
EPISODE INFO Title: Nicole Kidman, Lucas Hedges, Troye Sivan Airdate: 2018-10-30 Episode plot: Nicole Kidman and Lucas Hedges ("Boy Erased")- Troye Sivan is interviewed and performs- a woman who is credited for stopping a potential mass school shooting after insisting police investigate a racially motivated Facebook message she received.
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