SERIES INFO Genre: Children Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: Hope in the Wild follows Hope Swinimer, a wildlife rehabilitation expert, and her dedicated team as they rescue and heal injured and orphaned animals of all kinds. Hope's passion for wildlife conservation shines through everything she does to lead her team on their mission to care for and return each animal to the wild. From the pressure of saving an animal in critical condition, to the joy in witnessing its victorious return home, Hope in the Wild will educate viewers on the day-to-day jobs of this animal care team and the species they encounter. This program is specifically designed to further the educational and informational needs of children
EPISODE INFO Title: The First Fisher Airdate: 2018-10-20 Episode plot: Henderson is the first fisher, a member of the weasel family, ever rescued by the rehab center. Also, Hope's team releases a trio of animals: a wood turtle, a snow shoe hare, and a gannet.
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