SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Romance Stars: Sherry Cola, Maia Mitchell, Cierra Ramirez, Tommy Martinez, Josh Pence, Emma Hunton, Zuri Adele, Roger Bart, T.J. Linnard, Beau Mirchoff Series Plot: Set several years in the future, where Callie and Mariana from "The Fosters," embark on the next phase of their young adult lives. The young women move to Los Angeles, and while living together, they each take two very different paths from one another, both in their professional and personal lives.
EPISODE INFO Title: Happy Heckling Airdate: 2019-07-16 Episode plot: Callie attends a networking mixer that causes her to confront some perceptions about herself. Mariana’s close relationship with Evan sparks rumors at Spekulate offices. Meanwhile, Alice encounters one of her idols at a queer comedy club where she’s attempting to get her standup career off the ground.
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