Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special young girl possessed by a strange darkness, get embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Joining them along the way are the hot-headed Starfire and loveable Beast Boy. Together they become a surrogate family and team of heroes.
SERIES INFO Genre: Action Adventure Fantasy Thriller Stars: April Bowlby, Dwain Murphy, Jake Michaels, Bruno Bichir, Melody Johnson , Jeni Ross , Logan Thompson , Lindsey Gort, April Bowlby, DELETE Series Plot: Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special young girl possessed by a strange darkness, get embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Joining them along the way are the hot-headed Starfire and loveable Beast Boy. Together they become a surrogate family and team of heroes.
EPISODE INFO Title: Hawk and Dove Airdate: 2018-10-19 Episode plot: Hank Hall aka Hawk and Dawn Granger aka Dove are a pair of vigilantes, hoping to get out of the Super Hero business after shutting down one final criminal operation. When Dick arrives with Rachel, looking for a safe haven for the hunted child, his reappearance after many years causes strife between all three of them. Still traumatized over the death of her mother, Rachel struggles to trust Dick. But all their differences must be put aside when a lethal Nuclear Family, sent by The Organization, is activated with the sole purpose of capturing Rachel.