SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: Out There with Jack Randall follows Jack in the Australian outback as he fearlessly searches for exotic, endangered and iconic species in some of the most unforgiving environments on the planet. In this adrenaline-filled series, Jack literally goes to the ends of the Earth to go nose to nose with nature's creepy crawlies and wild beasts. He dives into crocodile-infested swamps, crawls through cramped caves laden with bats to find a rare 12-ft python and experiences a fair share of bites from 'grumpy' wild animals along the way.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Kangaroo Mob Airdate: 2019-07-14 Episode plot: Wildlife zoologist Jack Randall journeys deep into the Australian outback to fulfill his lifelong dream of being accepted into a "mob" of wild kangaroos. Along the way, Jack snatches up snakes, lunges after lizards, defends against dangerous dingoes and even rescues an orphaned baby kangaroo in the hopes of teaching it to fend for itself before being released back into the wild.
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