SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: With more than 10,000 animals in their care and over 2.4 million guests welcomed a year, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and The Wilds have many compelling stories to tell. Over the course of the last year, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium staff and documentarians at Nat Geo WILD have been working together to share a glimpse into the incredible bonds between caretakers and animals at the Zoo.Secrets of the Zoo also focuses on the Columbus Zoo’s incredible conservation work, including an in-depth look at The Wilds, one of the largest conservation centers in North America at 10,000 acres, and home to rare and endangered animals from around the world.
EPISODE INFO Title: Otter-ly Ridiculous Airdate: 2019-07-14 Episode plot: A bonobo's exam gets off to a rocky start- a Bactrian deer needs medical attention.
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