SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: Joe "Buffalo" McBryan, Mikey McBryan, Rod McBryan, Arnie Schreder, Justin Simle, AJ Decoste, Devan Brooks, Scott Blue Series Plot: This documentary series follows the pilots of the Yellowknife-based Buffalo Airways, which still flies Second World War airplanes to transport people around Northern Canada.
EPISODE INFO Title: Cold Start Airdate: 2013-10-23 Episode plot: This season opens with a meltdown when the C-46 suffers a major gear collapse on the runway, sending the entire Buffalo crew scrambling. As the coldest winter in decades grips Yellowknife, every pilot and mechanic in the company faces the huge challenge of keeping the aging fleet in the air. Buffalo's livelihood falls heavily on Joe's Lockheed Electra until a freak accident threatens to ground the plane. Hearing of an Electra up for sale, Joe heads on an urgent mission across the Atlantic. As the record-cold winter stretches on, a young hotshot pilot journeys all the way from Australia to earn a place in Buffalo's DC-3. And a longtime member of the Buffalo family leaves for good.
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