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23-09-2018 12:04

How To Use Instagram Influencers To Grow Your Instagram Followers and Strategies To Drive Sales To Your Shopify Store Master Instagram influencer marketing and learn all the hidden secrets most influencers don’t want you to know

Instagram is one of the most powerful social media platform that exist today, with over 1 billion active user every single month. Instagram is becoming a great

What Will I Learn?

   Go Viral and Grow Your Instagram account followers in a short period of time
   Effective strategies for shopify store owners to drive more sales
   Tips and tricks to pick the best influencers in your niche
   Influencers outreach tactics and how to negotiate
   Learn how to spot influencers scams and avoid them

opportunity for every internet marketer to build their brand and convert followers to paying customers.

This course is dedicated only to Instagram influencer marketing, and this is what you will learn in this course:

   an introduction to Instagram influencer marketing and how it will benefit your business.
   unique strategy I use myself to grow my Instagram account followers in a short period of time instead of waiting months.
   best strategies for ecom store owners, you will learn how structure your ad copy the best way to drive sales.
   free online tools to filter infuelncers to pick only the best ones that will bring you positive results.
   techniques to negotiate with influencers to get a lower price on your first shoutout.
   spot fake infuelncers and how they can scam you and take your money.
   Variables you should split test your shoutouts in order to make Instagram influencer work for you.
   I will show you costly mistakes most people do with they start using Instagram influencers.
   Finally, once you get some traction with influencers, you will learn how to scale your business for maximum profit and growth.

This course is short but straight to the point, I used to be an Instagram influencer, I used to own some large Instagram accounts, I bought them, I flipped the

and I monetized them, so basically I know what Instagram influencer marketing is, I’m giving away what I learned over the past 2 years doing this business.

I packed everything I know when it comes to influencers, the strategies I use to build my Instagram accounts from scratch, how I optimize my IG account for

growth, and how I go viral and drive thousand and thousands of followers in a short period of time.

Also how to approach influencers, how to negotiate with them to get the best price for your shoutouts, and the how to structure your ad copy to and hook the

followers enough top the point when they will click on store link and buy from you.

and a lot of different Instagram influencers practices that will take you from a complete newbie to a professional.

Who is the target audience?

   Anyone who use or already using instagram influencers for their business
   Shopify store owners who wants to drive sales using instagram influencers
   Anyone who want to grow their instagram account very fast


   Instagram account
   A burning desire to learn instagram influencers marketing

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