SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Home and Garden Stars: Ina Garten Series Plot: Ina Garten knows how to entertain with simplicity, style and fun. Visit with Ina at home in the sumptuous Hamptons of New York to discover her shortcuts and strategies for make-ahead menus, fabulous food and memorable parties.
EPISODE INFO Title: Cooking with Friends Airdate: Episode plot: It's competition time and battle of the taste buds as Ina and her friends Eli Zabar and David Ziff plan a pot luck dinner. They each take a course with a Mediterranean theme and create dishes such as Grilled Eggplant With Sherry Vinegar Drizzle, Fried Baby Artichokes, Eli's Grilled Rib Eye Steak and Italian Plum Tart. But first there's breakfast at Ina's to discuss the plan over delicious Tri-Berry Pancakes.