Jules and Greg's Wild Swim - Series 2
Jules and Greg set off for adventures on some of Scotland's stunning islands.
BBC (2025) - 5 Episodes
720p - Video Codec h.265/HEVC !!!
(Some of the video must have been filmed with GoPros or such,
that kind of video doesn't compress as well as regular BBC broadcasts,
that's why some files are a bit larger)
Audio Codec AAC - 128kbps Stereo
With subs
1/5 Jules and Greg’s adventure begins on Barra, the jewel of the Hebrides.
2/5 Jules and Greg try bodysurfing off North Uist.
3/5 Jules and Greg experience a magical wild cave swim off the coast of Lewis.
4/5 Jules and Greg attempt an unforgettable sunset swim on the Isle of Sanday.
5/5 Jules and Greg plunge into the freezing waters of Shetland for their coldest swim yet.