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18-01-2025 03:37 (edited 18-01-2025 04:01) by Lando18:_trusted_uploader::_sitefriend::_sitelover::_sun::_turtle:
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CHiPs (1977)
Crime, Drama, Mystery
60 min    -    Rating: 6.4
"CHiPs," which stood for California Highway Patrol, followed the daily beats of two state motorcycle patrolmen as they patrolled the freeway system in and around Los Angeles. Officer Jon Baker was the straight, serious officer while Frank "Ponch" Poncherello was the more free- wheeling member of the duo; both reported to Sgt. Joe Getraer, who gave out assignments and advice in handling the cases. Each episode saw a compilation of incidents, ranging from the humorous (e.g., a stranded motorist) to criminal investigations (such as hijackings) and tragic incidents (such as a fiery multi-car pile-up with multiple deaths. Other aspects of Ponch and Jon's daily work were highlighted as well; the social lives of both officers (they were both single) often provided the lighter moments. On occassion, Ponch and Jon were assisted by a female "Chippie" at first, the very beautiful Sindy Cahill; and later, the more wholesome Bonnie Clark. In 1982, Ponch got a new partner, Bobby Nelson (series star Wilcox left the show that year), while Nelson's younger brother, Bruce, was a trainee on the force. By now, the female "Chippie" was the attractive Kathy Lindahan.

CHiPs - 1977 to 1983
All 6 seasons. Production copies. (Updated - HQ video)

California Hiway Patrol (CHiPs). The adventures of two California Highway Patrol motorcycle officers.

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by Guest-6174
    on 2025-01-21 13:30:09
avatarLando18 posted the full screen episodes on 5/30/22 They are 122.03 GB's. So stop whining.
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by Guest-1101
    on 2025-01-21 11:22:09
avatarMissing S02E23 The Greatest Adventures of CHiPs
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by Lando18:_trusted_uploader::_sitefriend::_sitelover::_sun::_turtle:
    on 2025-01-21 12:04:00
avatarIt's a recap of previous episodes. Intentionally removed from the collection.
Liked by - strix1
by Guest-6412
    on 2025-01-19 08:31:08
avatarPotato, potahto, tomato, tomahto... The fact is that DVD has more image than this release. If you want definition, one should take this, is you want see more image, take the other one (I took the DVD rips)
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by Lando18:_trusted_uploader::_sitefriend::_sitelover::_sun::_turtle:
    on 2025-01-18 21:08:56
avatarThere is going to be a reboot of CHiPs. In anticipation of this, they re-released the old series in wide-screen format with higher definition. Cropped and Formatted have different meanings. This copy is reformatted for wide screen.
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by patrick99
    on 2025-01-18 20:13:03
avatarIt is cropped. Compare the two versions: this one and the DVD rip (same releaser). The DVD has way more image in the upper and lower part of the frame.
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by Guest-4906
    on 2025-01-18 07:03:13
avataris the video frame cropped from the original 4:3 to 16:9? If so, what a pity....
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:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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by Guest-3634
    on 2025-01-18 12:11:34
avatarIt's wide screen format. Why is that a problem?
by Lando18:_trusted_uploader::_sitefriend::_sitelover::_sun::_turtle:
    on 2025-01-18 14:24:29
avatarIt's not cropped. It's wide screen format.
by Guest-2043
    on 2025-01-18 19:03:49
avatarOP, if you're still wondering, just did a comparison check myself, it is cropped, significant portions of top and bottom are chopped off to make it 16:9
by Wino
    on 2025-01-18 20:33:26
avatar1.33:1 to 1.78:1 is what it is. Let's wait for Bluray! ;)

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  • :) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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