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Textbook in PDF and DJVU formats
From best-selling author Donald McQuarrie comes his newest text, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. Intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in chemistry, physics, math and engineering, this book will also become a must-have for the personal library of all advanced students in the physical sciences. Comprised of more than 2000 problems and 700 worked examples that detail every single step, this text is exceptionally well adapted for self study as well as for course use. Famous for his clear writing, careful pedagogy, and wonderful problems and examples, McQuarrie has crafted yet another tour de force.
Artwork from this textbook and original animations by Mervin Hanson may be viewed and downloaded by adopting professors and their students. Figures that display the time evolution of an equation and the result of the variation of a parameter have been rendered as QuickTime movies. These movies can be displayed as animations or by using the single-step feature of QuickTime