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The Study Guide that accompanies your text has been prepared to help you study organic chemistry. The textbook contains many problems designed to assist you in reviewing the chemistry that you need to know. The Study Guide contains the answers to these problems worked out in great detail to help you to develop the patterns of thought and work that will enable you to complete a course in organic chemistry successfully. In addition, notes that clarify points that may give you difficulty are provided in many answers.
The Study Guide also contains Workbook Exercises, created by Professor Brian Coppola of the University of Michigan. These exercises are designed to help you review previous material and to introduce you to the problem-solving skills you will need for new material. They are found only in the Study Guide, and no answers are given for them. Many of the exercises can be explored with other students in your class.
Suggestions for the best way to study organic chemistry are given on pages of the textbook and in the essay, “Learning Tips for Students of Organic Chemistry,” immediately following this introduction. This essay was written by Professor Coppola as a way of sharing with you his long experience with helping students to learn. Before you work with the Study Guide, please review the essay as well as those pages in the text.
This Study Guide contains two features to help you to study more effectively. The sections on the Art of Problem Solving in the textbook show you how to analyze problems in a systematic way by asking yourself questions about the structural changes in and the reactivity of the reagents shown in the problem. These same questions are used in arriving at the answers shown in the Study Guide for some of the problems. If you follow the reasoning shown in these answers, you will review the thinking patterns that are useful in solving problems