In this heartwarming modern reimagining of The Railway Children, young Phoebe and her siblings are uprooted from city life when their mother unexpectedly moves them to a remote Scottish village. With no cell service and their dad mysteriously absent, Phoebe is determined to uncover the truth. But is Phoebe's imagination running away with her, or is Dad actually in deep trouble? With its beautiful Scottish scenery and iconic steam railway sequences, The Primrose Railway Children promises to be an emotional, warm, and uplifting drama for the whole family. Based on the international bestseller by Jacqueline Wilson. New family classic from BBC Studios and BYUtv.
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Genre: Drama IMDB: Stars: Kevin McKidd, Nina Toussaint-White, Ava McCarthy, Ida Brooke, Tylan Bailey Plot: Follow Phoebe, her older sister Becks, younger brother Perry and their mum who are living a comfortable life in Glasgow when suddenly they are uprooted from their lives and moved to the remote highlands of Scotland.
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