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Textbook in PDF format
The Bittinger Worktext Series recognizes that math hasnt changed, but students”and the way they learn math”have. This latest edition continues the Bittinger tradition of objective-based, guided learning, while also integrating timely updates to the proven pedagogy. This edition has a greater emphasis on guided learning and helping students get the most out of all of the resources available, including new mobile learning resources, whether in a traditional lecture, hybrid, lab-based, or online course.
The new edition supports students with quality applications and exercises, a new MyMathGuide workbook and video program, and an updated MyMathLab course that brings it all together!
Teaching and Learning Experience
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Heres how:
Improve Results: MyMathLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning.
Guide Students Learning: The Bittinger team helps todays math students stay on task by guiding them to understand what to do and when.
Reinforce Study Skills: The Bittinger program is equipped with tools and resources to help students develop effective study and learning habits that will help them in their college careers and beyond