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Basic College Mathematics, Sixth Edition, was written to provide students with a solid foundation in the basics of college mathematics, including the topics of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, percent, and measurement as well as introductions to geometry, statistics and probability, and algebra topics. To help students accomplish this solid foundation, my goals for this text are:
-Most importantly, to write an organized, student-friendly text that is keyed to
objectives and contains many worked-out examples.
-To introduce operations on whole numbers in the first chapter and repeat these operations in each subsequent chapter while different sets of numbers are introduced, thus providing students with a solid foundation of the basics of college mathematics.
-To include a later chapter of introduction to algebra, thus laying the groundwork for the next algebra course your students will take.
-To show students the relevancy of mathematics in everyday life and in the workplace by emphasizing and integrating the following throughout this text: reallife and real-data applications, data interpretation, conceptual understanding, problem solving, writing, cooperative learning, number sense, estimation, critical thinking and geometric concepts.
The many factors that contributed to the success of the previous editions have been retained. In preparing the Sixth Edition, I considered comments and suggestion
The Whole Numbers
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Ratio and Proportion
Reading Graphs and Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Signed Numbers
Introduction to Algebra
Unit Analysis