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The material presented will provide a link between the theory of electromagnetic fields, waves and transmission lines and its practical application.
The book is organized in seven chapters treating electromagnetic theory, transmission line theory, rectangular and circular waveguides and cavity resonators, other waveguiding systems, impedance transformation and matching, microwave networks and antennas and propagation. Sufficient material and worked examples are included in an introduction to each chapter to cover the essential points of theory and develop necessary formulae. To keep the price at a level that is reasonable for students it was necessary to limit the number of problems. Some topics which readers may expect to find included, e.g. H, trough, groove and dielectric-rod waveguides, filter theory, resonance absorption, tensor permeability, Faraday rotation etc. concerned with ferrite media at microwave frequencies, have had to be
omitted and others have less space devoted to them than one would have liked