Thank you for this upload. It does appear by Filebot using TVDB and Plex that you are missing s01e03-Regarding Henry and s01e04-Famous Last Words |
13 episodes were produced. Only 10 are available. The show did so poorly that it was canceled after only 4 episodes. | s01e03 Buddies - Regarding Henry |
Dave is good guy! He is honest in the way he sees stuff and YEAH it might be NOT PC( politically correct)! Many people are seeing WOKE as just censureship and cancel culture. A healthy backlash is due, and it is our comedians that lead the charge and TRUMP :). Basically , you like what you like, and I like what I like. If I'm not in alignment with you, go find people who are aligned with you. Let me be ME! Live and let live. Dave is not hunting people down that don't agree with him, but some WOKE person jumped on stage and messed with DAVE. Trump was hunted down too (but they only got tip of his ear). Do you see the humor in DAVE and Trump, if not you are missing something special. :) |
Remember when Chappelle was funny, a long time ago before he started gaybashing and protesting against affordable housing projects in his area? |
Nobody is forcing you to download this torrent or watch his material, so I don't know why you're complaining on here. The man is based, and I like his comedy. |
America really is imploding. The rest of the world doesn't care about your politics. |