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Build stable, maintainable Rust applications by applying these important code and architectural design patterns.
In Rust Advanced Techniques you’ll learn how to apply important design patterns including:
Fluent interfaces for creating delightful APIs
The Builder pattern to encapsulate data and perform initialization
Immutable data structures that help you avoid hard-to-debug data race conditions
Functional programming patterns
Anti-patterns and what not to do in Rust
Rust Advanced Techniques introduces reusable best practices that will help you solve common programming problems and ensure your code is easy for others to understand. Learn when to use each design pattern, as well as when to break it. This practical guide catalogs, documents, and describes both how classic design patterns work with Rust, and the new Rust-specific patterns that will help you master the language.
About the book
Rust Advanced Techniques presents dozens of established programming and architecture solutions that take advantage of Rust’s unique language design. You’ll start with the basics of generics and traits, using them as a foundation to rapidly progress to metaprogramming, building your own libraries, and even advanced patterns like fluent interfaces and making immutable structures